About Bill Eddy
“Aloha” is a Way of Life
Founder, Aloha EDDY Company, Inc. -
Entrepreneur, Author/Writer, Film Producer,Brand Ambassador, Business Strategies & Start-Ups.
Bill writes “The EDDY Line” - a personal email newsletter about the business world, captivating people, his clients, his travels, life in Hawaii, our culture and- “The Spirit of Aloha,”- the essence of relationships and mutual respect.
Bill and Filmmaker, Richard Newman Co-Produced, “Addicted to Joy,” - Love stories about the evolution of surfing and surfing’s cultural heritage.
Captivating stories from the shapers and surfers that shaped the soul of surfing.
They honor these remarkable people about a way of life, the human spirit, and to be free doing what they love!
“Addicted to Joy,” is their “Pilot” film for a multitude of projects and new episodes.
Bill also serves on the Board of Directors for the “Surfing Heritage & Cultural Center (SHACC).